Film Board Minutes

Date:  September 28th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Helana Nelson, Alec Struthers


Excused Absences:  Travis Horrocks, Russell Johnson, Nikolaos Kazakos, Paul Lefief, Lisa Welling


Minutes: Passed


President:  There is a seminar going on, hopefully the meeting will be short so you can make it in time for the drawing.


Vice President:  You will probably notice an extra column on the requirements sheet.  This is a warning column, if you sign up for a show and miss it; you get a check in the warning column.  The next show you miss gets deducted.  Greg asks that you don’t add yourself if there isn’t a line available, it’s ok if someone scratches their name off and you take their slot.  Also try to use your last name to sign up for shows.  New members will be trained in on Friday night at 4:30.  Greg also asks the projectionist not to let untrained people work unless it’s absolutely necessary.  If you have any questions, see Greg.


Remember:  SIGN UP = SHOW UP!


Secretary:  Updated the membership list and posted a fresh copy in the office.


Treasurer:  We made $554.16 in concessions and sold $1,741 in tickets for Shrek 2.


Publicity:  Make sure to distribute.  Its official for table tents:  Greg has McNair, Mike Lennon has DHH, and Bill Murphy has Wads.  If you can’t make the meeting or are unable to distribute the table tents, try to find someone willing to cover for you that week.


Equipment Supervisor:  Nothing to report.


Web page:  Webpage will be updated.


Advertising:  Not present.


Concessions:  Good to go.


Advisor:  Nothing to report. 


Old business:  Constitution was tabled again.  It states that 1 more than 50% of the total membership must be there to pass anything voted on with a 75% majority to pass something.


New business:  There have been some problems with untrained people working; hopefully the problem works itself out in the future.  There were at least two volunteers to sell popcorn and pop during the debate Thursday at 9 in Fisher 135.  A group that Tara Smith works for would like to borrow our cotton candy machine, as long as it stays in the building, and our popcorn machine for homecoming.  Tara said she would supervise to make sure everything stays in good working condition.

Meeting Adjourned:  6:43 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 11:52 P.M.