Film Board Minutes

Date:  November 6, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Matt Bengry

Excused Absences: Jon Lefevre, Matt VanDyke

Minutes: Passed


President: No report


Vice President: Social need to be planned


Secretary: No report


Treasurer: Two money discrepancies; we were off $30 & $50.  Also, don’t take Canadian money.


Equipment Supervisor: no report


Web page: no report


Publicity: no report           




Advertising:  Contract is pretty much done.


Committee: Judicial committee met for 3-4 hrs. Constitution will be typed for presenting soon. Movie Committee will bring up movie in new business.


Old Business: Windows: The windows are finally in; they’re wrong, but in. Holiday Movie: ‘Christmas Vacation’ or ‘Muppets Christmas’ discussed. Free film. This will use half of a required credit. Move to show ‘Christmas Vacation’ on Sunday Dec 16th for free. (5:15) Denied.  Motion to show film on December 16th (15:6) passed. Move to show ‘Muppets’ for free and sell cotton candy, popcorn & pop. (19:4) passed. Cleanup: Extra extreme cleanup Friday because of nanocon.


New Business: ‘Across the Universe’ isat the Lode next week only. Mark bought batteries, paper holder, etc. Motion to reimburse Mark for $41.92 for these supplies. (all) passed. Officer Nominations: Those nominated should go to the judicial committee to check out the new constitution. Social: Go to a movie as a group was an idea.  We could reserve the theatre and see ‘I am Legend’, ‘The Myst’ or ‘Hitman’.  We could do it Sunday afternoon.  It’s slow around then, anyways. Vote results: Movie = 17, Restaurant = 6. Move to get Office 2007 for < $100 (6:14) denied. Officer Nominations: Pres: Mark, Matt H., Vice: Sean, Sarah, Austin, Wesley, Sec: Sarah, Fay, Tres: Wesley, Kyle Done, Equip: Austin, Randy, Matt H. Con: Kyle L. Pub: Erica, Dan, AD: Sarah, Matt H. Wesley Web: Aaron, Matt P. Ken.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:53


Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke