Film Board Minutes

Date:  December 6, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Ashley Ames, Mobin Anandwala, Tony Fontana, Austin Kuzmic, Aaron Mcphall, Andrew Prusinowski


Excused Absences:


Minutes: Passed


President:       no report       


Vice President:   no report 


Secretary:     no report        


Treasurer:     Starting next semester, the start money will be set with more 5 and 10 dollar bills.


Equipment Supervisor:       no report



Web page:     no report        



Publicity:    no report                      



Concessions:   no report



Advertising:  no report        



Advisors:       no report                    



Old Business:  Next semester movie were voted on; sheets were distributed and members chose 4 from the list.  Winning movies will be announced next meeting.  Posters for this semester were distributed based on seniority in film board.


New Business:  A human rights organization pitched playing the movie Hotel Rawanda on January 14th and 15th in place of a film board movie.  They are paying and the movie will be free to the public with donations going towards a cause.


Meeting Adjourned:


Dutifully Submitted,


Dan Ehlke