Film Board Minutes

Date:  August 26th, 2003


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Members Absent: Attendance wasn’t taken.


Minutes: Passed


President:  We had an overdue payment, but the check was sent out so our first movie should get here on time.  There could be room changes due to exam conflicts, but more will be discussed on that later.  The actor who plays “Jason” is coming to Tech for Halloween, so we should consider showing a scary movie for that weekend.


Vice President: Requirements are starting over for the new year.  If a new member is recruited have them email Greg and bring them to the meeting.


Secretary: Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  SWANK wasn’t paid for the last show, Wayne apologizes for the error and it won’t happen again.  Our account balance is just over $8,500.  We still haven’t received a reimbursement for the popcorn machine.


Concessions: Scott cleaned out Wal-mart’s pop and will get more soon.  Lisa would like to resign her co-chair, making Scott our official concessions chair person.  There are different places to get popcorn that make it cheaper for us and possibly be delivered.  For the new popcorn machine, we should use the bars up first.  Just cut them in half and throw the whole stick in.


Publicity: We’re going to need new people to sign up for distributing publicity, table tents and flyers.  Adam will take care of the table tents for this week’s movie.


Advertising: Frank received only a couple emails about ads.


Equipment Supervisor:  The movie will be late, but it should be here.  The new popcorn machine has the wrong type of plug, so it’ll be a couple weeks for us to get that working.  The popcorn machine also needs a stand, it won’t fit on the one we currently have.  


Web page:  The web page will be updated for the movie, Friday at the latest.


Advisor: Not present.


Old business:  There was a lot of discussion of what to do with the old popcorn machine.  We could possibly keep it and rent it out.  We should also think about getting a stand for the new popcorn machine.


New business:  We have enough money to show approximately 18 movies for free this year.  There was quite a bit of discussion on how this was to be handled.  A motion was made to show 5 free movies at the end of each semester.  The motion was seconded and passed.  The ad which WMTU plays has been taken care of.  Start thinking of new ideas for the slides, if you come up with some good ones, just email them to advertising.  The computer will be taken care of for getting online.


Motion to adjourn, motioned passed. 


Meeting Adjourned: 6:50 pm


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Wednesday September 3rd 2003, 10:15 P.M.