Film Board Minutes

Date:  February 22nd, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Fay Dearing, April Heinen, Matt Heyse, John Jeske, Tara Smith


Excused Absences: Dan Ehlke, Beth Heykoop, Matt McQueen, Craig Morehouse, Nikki Pietrzak, Lisa Welling


Minutes: Passed


President: No Report.


Vice President:  Please put your full name on the sign up board and keep working on requirements.


Secretary: No Report.


Treasurer: Ticket sales for National Treasure and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou were 703 and 807 respectively.  Approximately $4000 was deposited into the bank.


Equipment Supervisor: No Report.


Web page:  The webpage has been updated.


Publicity: Sorry, publicity was not done last week.


Concessions:  Matt will order more oil for the popcorn machine.


Advertising:  No Report.


Advisors: No Report.


Old Business: None.


New Business: Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) asked if we could show The Passion of the Christ for Easter weekend (March 25 and 26).   A motion was proposed:  To show the movie, IVCF will assume call costs, show the movie for free, we keep the concessions profit and will make it the weekend movie.  The motion passed.  An idea was also proposed to investigate a drive-in type movie- outside of Fisher.  The order for the lens was cancelled and finally the movies for March and April were chosen.


Meeting Adjourned:  6:40 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Friday February 25th, 2005  7:20 PM